Never Lose Your Hearing Aids Again: Expert Tips to Protect Your Investment

As an audiologist who as been working with hearing aids for 15 years, I understand the importance of properly maintaining and protecting your hearing aids. These devices are crucial for enhancing your hearing and improving your overall quality of life as well as you likely spent a lot of money on hearing aids and do not want to lose them. In this article, I will share several essential behavioral habits that will help you prevent damage or loss of your hearing aids.

1. Establish a Routine and Use a Case for Storage

Developing a routine is key to keeping your hearing aids safe and easily accessible. Make it a habit to take out your hearing aids and put them in a designated case at night, rather than placing them directly in your pocket. Hearing aids are prone to getting tangled with keys and other items in your pocket, which increases the risk of them getting lost. By using a case, you provide an extra layer of protection and reduce the chances of accidental damage or loss.

By following this modified routine, you will always know where to find your hearing aids in the morning and can quickly put them on for the day. Additionally, ensure that you return your hearing aids to the charger at night, so they are fully charged and ready for use the next day.

Remember, proper storage and organization play a vital role in maintaining the longevity of your hearing aids. If you live in a humid area it is a good idea to use a dehumidifier for your hearing aids.

2. Batteries vs. Rechargeables

Depending on the type of hearing aids you have, there are different routines to follow. If your hearing aids use replaceable batteries, establish a specific day each week for changing the batteries. This regular schedule ensures that you always have fresh batteries and avoids unexpected power loss.

For those with rechargeable hearing aids, it is essential to place them in the charger every night for approximately three hours. This practice guarantees that your hearing aids are fully charged and ready to support your hearing needs throughout the day. Remember to keep the charger station in a convenient location like your night table or dresser, but avoid placing it in humid areas like the kitchen or bathroom.

3. Double-Check Everything and Utilize Technology

Before leaving any location, make it a habit to double-check your pockets for essential items such as car keys, phone, wallet, and, of course, your hearing aids. By developing a routine of checking these items before transitioning to a new place, you significantly reduce the risk of accidentally leaving them behind.

In the unfortunate event that your hearing aids do get lost, technology can come to your rescue. If you have hearing aids that are connected to your cell phone and paired with a hearing aid app, take advantage of the “Find My Hearing Aid” feature available in the app. This feature allows you to locate your hearing aids using your smartphone.

Simply access the app and use the “Find My Hearing Aid” option. The app will display a map indicating the last location where your hearing aids were connected to your cell phone. If your hearing aids are still on, the app will also provide information on the strength of the signal, helping you gauge your proximity to the lost devices. This feature can be a valuable tool in recovering your hearing aids.

Remember to consult with your audiologist or the manufacturer of your hearing aids for specific instructions on using the “Find My Hearing Aid” feature in your hearing aid app. They can provide further guidance and support in case you encounter any difficulties.

By double-checking your belongings and utilizing the advanced capabilities of your hearing aid app, you can increase the chances of locating your hearing aids if they go missing.

If your hearing aids do not have this feature, consider upgrading and check out my current hearing aid recommendations.

4. Secure Your Hearing Aids with Otoclips

If you have experienced the frustration of losing your hearing aids before, it’s time to explore additional measures to safeguard your valuable devices. One effective solution is using otoclips (affiliate link to Amazon), which are handy accessories designed to keep your hearing aids securely attached to your clothing, particularly your shirt.

Otoclips are small clips that fasten to your hearing aids on one end and securely attach to your shirt on the other. By using otoclips, you can prevent accidental dislodgement or loss of your hearing aids, providing you with peace of mind as you go about your daily activities.

These clips are especially useful in situations where your hearing aids are more prone to falling off or becoming displaced. For example, during vigorous physical activities, bending over, or even simply removing clothing items that might catch onto your hearing aids. The otoclips serve as an additional layer of security, keeping your hearing aids safely in place.

When selecting otoclips, ensure that they are compatible with your specific hearing aid model and have a secure grip. They should be easy to attach and detach for convenience and maintenance. It’s advisable to consult with your audiologist or hearing aid provider to find otoclips that are suitable for your hearing aids.

By using otoclips, you can minimize the risk of losing your hearing aids and enjoy greater confidence in their stability. So, if you’ve had the unfortunate experience of losing your hearing aids in the past, consider incorporating otoclips into your daily routine and say goodbye to those worries.

5. Mindful Transitions

Pay close attention to transitions, particularly when getting in and out of a car. Seat belts can inadvertently catch on hearing aids and cause them to be flung away or damaged. Stay mindful and check that your hearing aids are secure before moving or adjusting seat belts to prevent any accidents or mishaps.

Additional Tips

Here are a few more tips to help you maintain and protect your hearing aids:

  • Avoid exposing your hearing aids to excessive heat or direct sunlight (such as leaving them in a car on a hot summer day), as it can damage their delicate components. Store them in a cool and dry place when not in use.
  • When cleaning your hearing aids, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use only recommended cleaning tools. Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents that can harm the device.
  • Keep your hearing aids away from small children and pets, as they may accidentally damage or swallow them.
  • Regularly inspect the tubing and connections of your hearing aids for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, consult your audiologist for repairs or replacements.
  • If you participate in sports or physical activities, consider using specialized accessories or protective gear to secure your hearing aids and prevent damage.
  • Stay up to date with regular check-ups and maintenance appointments with your audiologist. They can provide professional cleaning, adjustments, and ensure that your hearing aids are functioning optimally.

Remember, your hearing aids are not only valuable devices but also an investment in your hearing health. By following these behavioral habits and taking good care of your hearing aids, you can ensure their longevity and optimize

Jonathan Javid Au.D.

Jonathan Javid Au.D., a seasoned audiologist with an extensive background in the field of audiology. With over 11 years of invaluable clinical experience, Jonathan has dedicated his career to helping individuals enhance their hearing and improve their quality of life.

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