Cookie bite hearing loss is a relatively rare type of hearing impairment that affects a person's ability to hear sounds in the mid-frequency range. This type of hearing loss is so-called because of...
A patient recently asked me if developing a hearing loss would change their ability to sing or make it so they could not have the ability to sing on key. Well, my initial reaction was that it...
Tinnitus is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by hearing sounds that aren't present in the environment, such as ringing, buzzing, or hissing. Tinnitus often...
Multiple times a month, a patient will ask me if wearing their hearing aids will cause additional hearing loss. It is actually a very logical question since hearing aids make sounds louder...
This is how my day goes...
Me: "Good morning, My name is Dr. Javid and I am one of the staff audiologists."
Patient: "What"
I hear the joke literally multiple times a week. But everyone does...
"Functional hearing loss" is a term used by audiologists and hearing professionals to describe a type of hearing loss that is not caused by a medical or physical issue. It's sometimes referred to as...