Why Your Phonak Hearing Aids Might Be Hissing

why hearing aids make hissing noise

Hearing aids, such as those from Phonak, significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with hearing loss. Like any other technological device, however, they may experience occasional issues, including a hissing sound. This article explores the primary reasons behind this problem and provides possible solutions.

Programming Can Be Updated to Reduce Hissing

  • Another significant cause of hissing is the programmed settings in the hearing aids. High-frequency sounds, which often characterize hearing loss, might cause hissing if the hearing aids are turned up too loud.


  • You can temporarily reduce the volume of the hearing aids to lessen the hissing sound.
  • However, to eliminate the hissing noise permanently, the hearing aids may need to be reprogrammed by your audiologist.

Excess Earwax Can Create Feedback and Hissing

  • Accumulation of wax in our ears can block the sound of the hearing aid, causing the sound to be reflect out of our ear canal and be reamplified. Instead of having the hearing aid squeal or whistle in your ear the feedback management system activates but causes distortion and can be perceived as hissing.


  • Regularly clean your ears for wax, consider cerumen removal drops.
  • Seek professional ear cleaning if the buildup is severe.
  • Adjust the volume down to see if it reduces the feedback noise.
  • Ensure the device is correctly inserted into your ear.

Moisture Damage

  • If your hearing aids’ microphones or receivers become wet, this can also result in a hissing sound. This typically means the hearing aid requires repair due to moisture damage.


  • Keep your hearing aids as dry as possible, especially in humid conditions.
  • If you suspect moisture damage, try to dry the hearing aid out.
  • Contact your audiologist for repair.

Improper Fit of Hearing Aid

  • An improper fit of the hearing aid in your ear can cause unwanted noises. This could be due to an ill-fitting earmold or dome. Be sure that the earmold and dome is inserted completely in the canal.


  • Visit your audiologist to ensure your hearing aids are properly fitted.
  • Regularly check your earmolds or domes for damage or wear.

Technical Glitch Do Occur.

  • Sometimes, the hissing sound could be due to a technical problem within the hearing aid itself. This could be an issue with the internal circuitry.



Hearing aids play a pivotal role in our ability to communicate effectively. So, ensuring these devices function correctly is crucial. If your Phonak hearing aids produce a persistent hissing sound, don’t ignore it. Use these solutions to identify and hopefully rectify the issue. However, remember that your audiologist is your best resource. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when needed.

Jonathan Javid Au.D.

Jonathan Javid Au.D., a seasoned audiologist with an extensive background in the field of audiology. With over 11 years of invaluable clinical experience, Jonathan has dedicated his career to helping individuals enhance their hearing and improve their quality of life.

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